zondag 26 februari 2012

Very short update

 Broken computer system gives a lot of delay, but we have a new one and fix the old! double render power now :)

 Two days sick, we had some weird flu

Good news, school give us the cintiq 21 wx  THANX !

Just finished 50 frames last week, that makes a total of 510 and we need 1500 in 3 weeks post left

Conclusion, work like hell, and yes we like that  ;-)

1 opmerking:

  1. Hi
    I am a researcher at Queen Mary, University of London looking at Holocaust animation and would very much like to see more of your project and speak with you. I would be grateful if you could get in touch. My details are v DOT g DOT walden AT qmul DOT co DOT uk

    Thank you
